Category Archives: Immigrate to Canada

Canada to launch its first phase of relaxation on cross-border travel restrictions

After months of restraints and limitations on travel, a relief is expected soon. If you have been holding back your plans to travel to Canada for study, immigration, or other purposes because of travel restrictions, then there is good news for you. Canadian Government is considering the relaxation of cross-border travel restrictions in the coming months.  

The Government plans to relax the quarantine obligation for exempt travelers in its initial step to ease travel restriction. The only condition applicable is that the traveler needs to be fully vaccinated for Covid-19.  

Spousal Sponsorship Process for Canadian Immigration

Most of the immigrants in Canada have received their Permanent Resident Cards through Spousal Sponsorship.

Canada is targeting to welcome 80,000 new immigrants annually from 2021 till 2023 through sponsorship. The new immigrants will be the Spouses, Partners, and Children of Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Due to global pandemic the process for spousal sponsorship has been delayed but IRCC will start to process the applications quickly once COVID-19 is contained.

IRCC’s issues fresh guidelines for applications assessment under the essential workforce and international students’ stream

On May 6, 2021, IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) launched six new permanent residence (PR) streams for essential workers and international graduates. 

Status of the applications after a month

  • After one month, while the English-speaking International Graduate stream has touched its share of 40,000 applications, IRCC plans to adjust the shares for other categories within a day.
  • Over 11,000 applications have been received for the two English-speaking essential worker streams, and the available share for both streams together is 50,000 applications.
  • The response so far is the lowest for the three French-speaking streams, and the applications will be accepted till November 6, 2021.  

Canada Calling Health-Care Professionals

Healthcare workers looking for permanent residency in Canada, the chances are quite bright. The country has thousands of job posts vacant in the healthcare industry, especially amid the Coronavirus pandemic.  

Canadian immigration industry is widely affected due to the absence of international documentation acknowledgment, specifically in the healthcare sector. Canada is thus, witnessing a crunch of well-qualified and expert healthcare workers.

BC PNP Tech Pilot Program to be continued as a Permanent Program

As British Columbia’s Tech pilot project was set to run until June, the province announced that it will be extended indefinitely.

The Program was introduced in May 2017, and last year it was extended for 1 year. Its extension will expire on June 30, 2021. The Program will then be renamed BC PNP Tech, and it is set to be continued as a permanent, fast-track immigration pathway for international workers and students.